garden days bundle

Garden Days Bundle

Regular price $46.30 Sale price $21.20
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About this Sensory Scene

The Garden Days Sensory Scene Bundle is great activity for those relaxing in their room and especially for those near end of life. Play the soundscape then spray the room spray for a unique activity designed to calm and reassure

How It Works

The combinations of both sound and scents are designed to be soothing and relaxing, to give people the feeling of reassurance, captivating them in a natural environment.

All of our reminiscence activities are to help carers and those living with dementia to explore their memories and encourage connection.

Each Sensory Scene comes with one room spray and a 60 min CD of specific sounds to a particular theme.

Key benefits

  • Improve Wellbeing
  • Infection Control Compliant
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Suitable for all abilities